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Notices regarding the recruitment controversy are ordered to be published | The Express Tribune

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    The Sindh High Court (SHC) has ordered the publication of notices in newspapers regarding the ongoing controversy over recruitments allegedly based on outdated test scores in the Local Government Department and the Karachi Development Authority (KDA).

    A two-member bench, headed by SHC’s Acting Chief Justice Irfan Saadat Khan, issued the order while hearing a petition filed by Muzammil Gulzar challenging the recent recruitments that allegedly relied on old test scores for positions within the Local Government Department and KDA.

    Tariq Mansoor Advocate, representing the petitioner, argued that recruitment advertisements were published on July 16 and 21 for positions within the KDA and the Local Government Department. The advertisement included 45 vacancies for Grade 14 positions in KDA and 948 positions for Union Council Secretaries.

    Despite being a master’s degree holder, the petitioner was unable to apply for these positions. The recruitment process is based on two-year-old test scores rather than requiring fresh assessments, which, according to the petitioner, contravenes the law.

    Representatives from IBA Sukkur and SIBA were absent during the hearing.

    Published in The Express Tribune, October 27th, 2023.


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